luni, 31 decembrie 2012

la multi ani!

pe facebook ma intreaba: What's new, Dorin?
i-am raspuns ca-i prea devreme sa mai aiba putin rabdare.
pana atunci:

La multi ani!

duminică, 30 decembrie 2012

nu mai purtati caftan!(2)

dupa postarea (1) am plecat sa vedem un film ,in drum am luat o 'chinese fortune cookie' , inauntru scria:

nu mai purtati caftan!(1)

romani suntem in prag de 2013, nu mai purtati caftan(pana si turcii au renuntat de mult la el),
modernizati-va odata, "ROMANIA O TARA INTARZIATA " dar o putem moderniza,
v-o spun sexagenarii /"Două babe sexagenare de la ţară şi exagerat de sănătoase pentru vârsta lor stau de vorbă(pentru cei care se gandesc la prostii, sexagenar nu înseamnă o persoană care generază radiații infraroșii vorbind despre sexul obiectelor neutre ci e o persoană cu vârsta între 60 şi 70 de ani și atât" ....pentru mai mult in acest caz vezi 'umograf');
pentru cazul nostru, daca nu ma credeti pe mine,  iata ce spune si lucian boia:
...."depinde de noi sa modernizam tara.a fost prea multa vreme o tara simpla, formata din tarani si boieri, prea putin timp deschisa spre elemente modernizatoare... mai mult, lipsa de consecventa, drum in zigzag. am privit spre orient, apoi spre occident, apoi comunismul ne-a aratat calea spre rasarit si acum ne indreptam  spre occident iarasi. este o deruta, energie pierduta. este o civilizatie de imitatie, care n-a avut nici timp sa depaseasca imitatia"... 
(lucian boia, interviu in catavencii din 27 decembrie 2012)

joi, 27 decembrie 2012

romania altfel?

...."s-a putut constata atunci(n.n.-instaurarea dictaturii regale ,februarie 1938) cat de usor e  sa instalezi in Romania o dictatura, mai usor decat practicarea unei democratii oneste si responsabile. Cu totul impresionanta s-a dovedit aderarea elitei intelectuale.  Scriitorii, mai ales (majoritatea numelor reprezentative), nu inceteaza elogiile la adresa regelui si a noului sau regim de "renastere nationala". Nimeni nu-i obliga s-o faca. Sa fi fost un reflex "ancestral"?
...cine a trecut prin "epoca Ceausescu" si are curiozitatea sa priveasca in urma, rasfoind presa anilor 1838-1940, nu poate sa nu fie frapat, dincolo de toate deosebirile, de similitudinea ceremoniilor si comportamentelor. Tamaierea lui Carol II premerge si anunta interminabilul omagiu adus "marelui Conducator"..."
din lucian boia "de ce este romania altfel?"

la multi ani!

la multi ani tuturor STEFANilor!

miercuri, 26 decembrie 2012

mnac decenbrie 2012

Utopia/Dystopia, Dorin Stefan/Augustin Ioan curated by Ruxandra Balaci
now on display in MNAC!


DE LA: Subtle Design on deviantART

marți, 25 decembrie 2012

luni, 24 decembrie 2012

album 1933 romania mirifica

eu nu vad nici un fel de mirific in afara unor imagini "pitoresti" scenografice ,aranjate, aratand multa saracie oramentata cu tarani desculti in haine de sarbatoare pusi sa pozeze in ipostaze de lucru ,
si lucurile nu s-au schimbat de atunci (1933);
asta este romania mirifica pe care o vindem si astazi strainilor : o africa a europei;
eu nu ma pot mandri cu aceasta imagine de saracie pitoreasca nationala pe post de "business" turistic si cultural

din albumul kurt hielscher

joi, 20 decembrie 2012

marți, 18 decembrie 2012

luni, 17 decembrie 2012

concept pavilion brancusi

simulare 3d macheta pentru Pavilion Brancusi Craiova

duminică, 16 decembrie 2012

What's on your mind?

-Colette(Paris) sau Carturesti(Bucuresti)?

erata la comentariu: luminos in loc de lumios

sâmbătă, 15 decembrie 2012


de la dan ghelase:

vineri, 14 decembrie 2012

gradinita grasshoper

astazi la the ark, gradinita grasshoper, cu leni si cora:

mircea roman

astazi la si cu  mircea roman

japonia 2012

miercuri, 12 decembrie 2012


azi a fost 121212

luni, 10 decembrie 2012


am luat premiul nobel pentru pace
am luat premiul nobel pentru pace
am luat premiul nobel pentru pace

duminică, 9 decembrie 2012


ref: postarea de ieri,
da, AA, +:
..."el(derrida) a parut mai degraba inclinat sa admita ca oamenii, simbolic vorbind, sunt condamnati pentru totdeauna sa locuiasca in imobile vechi - ba mai mult, in castele bantuite, chiar daca ei au impresia ca traiesc de fapt in constructii neutre ale prezentului. pentru el(derrida) este clar ca pana si in constructiile modernitatii se plimba, intra si ies mortii vii ai erei de dincolo, tot asa cum acel unic zeu din egipt nu inceta nicicand sa isi arunce umbra sa peste bordeiele evreilor postmozaici"...

din peter sloterdijk: 'derrida, un egiptean'(humanitas 2012)

sâmbătă, 8 decembrie 2012


..."ceea ce filozoful(derrida) numeste 'deconstructie' nu este in prima instanta altceva decat un act radical de secularizare semantica - este chiar materialismul semiologic in actiune.procedeul deconstructivist ar putea fi descris ca fiind un ceva de genul unui set de instructiuni in vederea predarii bisericilor si castelelor detinute de un ancien regime, metafizic si imortalist, in mainile cetatenilor muritori.ce este ciudat la acest procedeu este ca derrida - pentru a ramane la aceasta imagine arhitecturala - nu crede in capacitatea modernitatii de a realiza constructii autentice noi..."
din peter sloterdijk: 'derrida, un egiptean'(humanitas 2012)

joi, 6 decembrie 2012

champs elysees, paris

pentru o circulatie mai buna in bucuresti asemanator am putea avea si pe b-dul aviatorilor

miercuri, 5 decembrie 2012

pink floyd

nu mai sunt bilete pentru 2013 la bucuresti

sa ne amintim de syd barrett

marți, 4 decembrie 2012


MARTI, 11 DECEMBRIE 2012, 9:00 AM
Asociatia Amicii Muzeului National de Arta Contemporana (AMNAC) are placerea sa va invite la primul eveniment "MIC DEJUN LA MNAC"in ultima luna a unui an de intensa si promitatoare cooperare intre Muzeu si Amicii sai.
Dumneavoastra primiti aceasta invitatie pentru ca intelegerea noastra este ca aveti un interes personal sau poate corporatist in domeniul artei contemporane.

Muzeul va fi deschis numai pentru dumneavoastra cu ocazia acestui eveniment exclusivist care va va permite sa aflati in premiera detalii despre Programul expozitional 2013 si despre organizarea Expozitiei permanente a MNAC.


9:00 - 9:30        Sosire invitati
10:00 - 10:30    Dialog si Socializare
10:30 - 11:00    Vizita ghidata a expozitiei "subREAL RETROSPECT" insotiti de curatorul expozitiei, RALUCA VELISAR

Puteti savura cafeaua si in acelasi timp sa achizitionati o lucrare din cele 13 lucrari donate de diversi artisti contemporani si disponibile spre a fi vandute (via "silent auction") in beneficiul AMMAC.

RSVP pana la data de joi, 6 decembrie 2012:Silvia Rogozea: sau 0724 576779

luni, 3 decembrie 2012


1951: nu brancusi

duminica, 2 decembrie,  in avion
am gasit in catavencii relatat de florin iaru:
asa popor asa academicieni:

iarna 2012

sambata 1 decembrie in kaprun

joi, 29 noiembrie 2012

catalin berza

in 1985 in numarul 3 din revista ARHITECTURA multumeam celor care m-au ajutat sa "implinesc ganduri in zidire" , astazi recunostinta mea lui CATALIN BERZA

miercuri, 28 noiembrie 2012

Gijs Van Vaerenbergh


Architects: Gijs Van Vaerenbergh
Location: , Limburg, Belgium
Stability: Ney&partners
Execution: Cravero bvba (steal) / MEG (fundaments)
Initiator: Provincie Limburg / Z33
Year: 2011
Photographs: Filip Dujardin

marți, 27 noiembrie 2012


"fanaticii apocalipsei" pascal bruckner:
"salvati pamantul, pedepsiti omul!:

..."am putea vindecam bunul si batranul nostru Pamant doar devenind pietoni?  Ce fanfaronada! Pe acest plan, cel putin, adeptii descresterii sunt logici, pentru ca deoresc o incetinire globala a activitatilor umane si o intoarcere la secolele trecute. Catastrofismul incepe prin a ne teroriza, dupa care ne linisteste prin marunte gesturi rituale, demne de un animism post-tehnologic..."

luni, 26 noiembrie 2012

arhitecturi bucurestene (IV)

in sfarsit ceva normal:
au reparat strada-trotuarul si au facut un detaliu normal

duminică, 25 noiembrie 2012

bruckner (II)

"fanaticii apocalipsei" pascal bruckner:
"salvati pamantul, pedepsiti omul!:

"ecologia exceleaza prin ceea ce vrea sa impiedice, nu prin ceea ce propune: inchide uzine, blocheaza proiecte, interzice construirea de autostrazi, de aeroporturi, de cai ferate. Este puterea care zice mereu nu. Oriunde s-a constituit in forta politica, se divizeaza in bisericute, in fractiuni care se urasc unele pe altele si care cad prada nercisismului micilor diferente: cu cat sunt mai strasnice complicitatile , cu atat mai acute sunt virulentele. In acest domeniu, ca si in altele, cei mai vehementi au intotdeauna castig de cauza, pentru ca modifica doctrina in sensul exagerarii. Mediul este noua religie seculara care se ridica, in Europa cel putin, pe ramasitele unei lumi lipsite de credinta. Insa si ea trebuie sa fie supusa criticii; trebuie sa-i dam in vileag maladia infatila care o macina si o decredibilizeaza: catastrofismul."

sâmbătă, 24 noiembrie 2012


"fanaticii apocalipsei" pascal bruckner:
"salvati pamantul, pedepsiti omul!
auzim pretutindeni : sa salvam lumea! s-o salvam de capitalism, de stiinta, de consumerism, de materialism. trebuie, insa, mai ales, s-o salvam de salvatorii ei autoproclamati, care agita amenintarea marelui haos..."

vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012

ferestre amestecate, viena-bucuresti

bucuresti strada popa nan:

viena, cetateni scarbiti de ce le propunea Loos in Michaeler Platz:

viena, in curtea lui jean nouvel:

joi, 22 noiembrie 2012

viena pavoazata de iarna

mai fac si austriecii urat:
"haas haus"ul lui hans hollein pregatit de iarna

miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2012


la viena la MQ mare retrospectiva Dan Flavin;
prima instalatie cu "neoane"  facuta de Flavin in 1963 si intitulata "the diagonal of May 25"
este dedicata lui Brancusi(care in expozitie este scris cu diacritice romanesti)

duminică, 18 noiembrie 2012

noi romanii

si cred la fel:
in Dilema veche 457

sâmbătă, 17 noiembrie 2012

“biophilic” design?

ARCHITECTS HAVE BEEN talking for years about “biophilic” design, “evidence based” design, design informed by the work of psychologists. But last May, at the profession’s annual convention, John Zeisel and fellow panelists were trying to explain neuroscience to a packed ballroom.
The late-afternoon session pushed well past the end of the day; questions just kept coming. It was a scene, Zeisel marveled—all this interest in neuroscience—that would not have taken place just a few years earlier.
Zeisel is a sociologist and architect who has researched the design of facilities for Alzheimer’s patients. Architects, he explains, “understand about aesthetics; they know about psychology. The next depth to which they can go is understanding the brain and how it works and why do people feel more comfortable in one space than another?”
This is an admittedly abstract concept. To help explain, architects often tell this story: Early in his career, when he was still struggling to find a cure for polio, Jonas Salk retreated to Umbria, Italy, to the monastery at the Basilica of Assisi. The 13th-century Franciscan monastery rises out of the hillside in geometric white stone, with Romanesque arches framing its quiet courtyards. Salk would insist, for the rest of his life, that something about this place—the design and the environment in which he found himself—helped to clear his obstructed mind, inspiring the solution that led to his famous polio vaccine.
“He really thought there was something to this,” says the architect Alison Whitelaw, “that the quality of the built environment could affect the performance of the brain.”
Today, the near 10-year-old Academy of Neuroscience for Architecturebelieves that neuroscience could make science’s greatest contribution to the field of architecture since physics informed fundamental structural methods, acoustic designs, and lighting calculations in the late 19th century. In September, the academy held its first national conference at, fittingly, the Salk Institute, in La Jolla, California. When the academy solicited proposals from anyone who might have insight or research to contribute, Whitelaw expected a handful of takers. The conference instead received dozens of proposals from all over the world—“from people,” Whitelaw says, “we didn’t even know were working in this field.”
Now, thanks to a $500,000 gift from the estate of solar-energy pioneer Harold Hay, the academy has dedicated resources to fund research at the intersection of these seemingly disparate fields. And its dream to create joint-degree programs in architecture and neuroscience seems not so far off.
If architects understood both fields, they might be able, in designing hospitals, schools, and homes for people with all manner of disabilities, to create places that would support the development of premature babies, the treatment of children with autism, the fostering of learning abilities of students. Imagine hospitals with such intuitive way-finding that no one gets lost (or stressed as a result); imagine an Alzheimer’s facility that could help its residents remember who they are.

Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk—photographed at his eponymous institute in 1975—worked
with Louis Kahn on the design of the nonprofit scientific research center
UNTIL ABOUT 20 YEARS AGO, scientists believed that our adult brains lost neurons during normal aging at a low but steady rate, and that we weren’t able to replace them, as we do skin cells. This suggested that the brain you had in your early 20s was perhaps the best brain you were going to get. But research in the late 1990s byneurobiologist Fred Gage and other scientists confirmed the process of adult “neurogenesis.” New neurons continue to be born throughout life, particularly in the hippocampus, the part of your brain that processes new information on its way to being stored as long-term memories. This means that your capacity to add new memories and learn new skills can continue to expand. And how fast these cells are added seems directly influenced by the richness of our interactions with our environment. When Gage introduced these findings to architects at theAmerican Institute of Architects’ 2003 convention, he pronounced an idea that is still sinking in: “Changes in the environment change the brain, and therefore they change our behavior.”
Neuroscientists are also gaining an increasingly better understanding of how our brains analyze, interpret, and reconstruct place and space. We know the brain adds information to what it receives from the physical environment: in optical illusions, it supplies lines that the eyes don’t actually see, and it can form three-dimensional images where only two exist on paper (architects are particularly adept at this). The brain also brings memory to our environment. When you enter a particularly beautiful cathedral, your experience includes memories and emotions tied to the past experiences of spiritual places you’ve visited throughout your life. Your brain is drawing connections between place and memory, even if you don’t realize it.
With today’s sophisticated brain-imaging techniques, neuroscientists can examine how the brain processes environments, even with the complex limitations of, say, someone who’s blind, or autistic, or has dementia.
“We are now really beginning to understand better how to measure the responses to the built environment,” says Eduardo Macagno, professor of biological sciences at the University of California, San Diego, “without relying on psychology, social science, observational behavior.”
Those studies, he explains, “don’t have the quantitative and objective experimental approach that we believe neuroscience brings to the interface with architecture.”
Macagno has been testing hospital design in a virtual-reality lab, and this work could bring us closer to that elusive hospital where, for example, no one gets lost. Other findings from the kind of research he is talking about may challenge what architects have practiced for years. For instance, hospital rooms for premature babies were long built to accommodate their medical equipment and caregivers, not to promote the development of the newborns’ brains. Neuroscience research tells us that the constant noise and harsh lighting of such environments can interfere with the early development of a baby’s visual and auditory systems.
Enriched environments might enhance the performance of the human brain, and the growth of new brain cells. Whitelaw is cautious about this profound idea, particularly because architects have learned they shouldn’t overpromise, as some did with the energy-saving benefits of green design. “I’m not saying that we’re going to be able to evolve the human brain further,” she says. Using color, lighting, and layout, though, architects may be able to design places to provide the sensory experiences that neuroscience demonstrates produce the best brain response.
When imagining the future, Zeisel says that we “will not be spending our energy coping with an environment that doesn’t fit our developmental and brain needs.” He adds, “We’ll have a lot more energy as human beings to do what we’re supposed to do, which is to be curious and find things out, learn, develop new ideas, create things.”
Jonas Salk’s Assisi experience makes you think: architects could even design environments expressly to foster research breakthroughs. Salk actually tried to achieve this in working with architect Louis Kahn to design the Salk Institute in La Jolla. The campus, with its ample natural light, views of the Pacific Ocean, and vast central plaza, echoes the monastic tranquility of Assisi. The architecture is inspiring; Salk’s successors must now translate that advantage into science.

dupa Pacific Standard

miercuri, 14 noiembrie 2012

oscar niemeyer

Don’t believe the rumors! Despite Oscar Niemeyer…’s age and three recent hospitalizations, the legendary Brazilian architect is in full recovery after being admitted to the Samaritan Hospital in Rio de Janeiro for dehydration and renal complications last week. 

Rosenfield , Karissa . "Oscar Niemeyer in Full Recovery" 13 Nov 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 14 Nov 2012.

marți, 13 noiembrie 2012

arhitecturi in bucuresti (IV)

hol de intrare, loc de informare;
- in proiect: beton aparent(buciardat ca iesit prost la turnare), piatra naturala(este ardezie) , pardosela epoxy;
-in exploatare : varza de bucuresti


in Catavencii, spunea florin iaru:

duminică, 11 noiembrie 2012